about us

Who we are, What we stand for, Our mandate, Our objectives!


Women’s Institute for Leadership Development is a non-profit making organisation based in Bulawayo. It seeks to invest in building and strengthening the power of women’s involvement in leadership and decision-making, both in rural and urban communities of Zimbabwe. The organisation continues to help harness women’s capacity, connections, and credibility they need to unlock their potential as catalysts of local and national leadership change and policy progress.


A Zimbabwe where women and girls are empowered to lead, gender equality is achieved ,civil, socio-economic, climate, and environmental justice are realized, and fostering a sustainable and equitable future for all.

To empower women and girls in Zimbabwe to become leaders and active participants in public decision-making processes.We are dedicated to promoting civil,socio-economic,climate,and environmental justice ,ensuring equal access to rights and opportunities ,and fostering a gender transformative and sustainable policy environment.
Strategic Interventions
Capacity building
Public Participation Policy and Advocacy
Research and Knowledge Management
Monitoring, Evaluating and Learning
Strategic Approaches
Rights-based approach
Complexity and Systems thinking
Thought leadership and working politically
Feminist Economics and Political Economy Approach
Gender-mainstreaming and Gender Analysis
Results-based approach
Data and Evidence-based approach
Theories of Change
Strategic Pillars
Leadership Development
Governance and Public Affairs
Socio-economic, Environmental and Climate Justice
Research, Learning and Knowledge Management

Our own time machine! Peruse through our archives for views, reports and other documents.
